Community Partners


Why Partner with Us


We want to work together to make our community the best it can be for all families!


We are flexible and creative thinkers.


We believe there is enough for everyone and want to share that with all.

How being a partner benefits you

  • social impact

    We believe that it takes a robust network of providers to ensure that all community needs are met. We cannot solve all the world's problems on our own, but together we are much closer!

  • mutual

    Let us know how we can help send the families we serve to access your services. And vice versa! We want to connect our families with as many resources as possible and assist any families you can refer to us!

  • growing

    We are a part of many large networks of providers and are always looking to make connections and collaborate in creative ways with our partners.

OUr Success Stories

real People, Real impacts

Hear from our partners, donors, and volunteers about the impact of our work and discover how our collaborations have touched lives and strengthened our community.

    Through patience and guidance, the Family Support Specialist helped mom reconnect emotionally with her sons. As their trust grew, so did the family’s ability to heal and move forward together.

    Community Partner

    FSB’s Family Support Specialist helped mom approach challenges with her son using collaborative problem-solving. Together, they worked as a team to address his behavior, which strengthened their relationship and built trust.

    Community Partner

    Despite many setbacks, mom was determined to get her children back and committed to her sobriety. She not only worked through her own recovery but also advocated for improvements in the treatment programs that helped her.

    Community Partner

    I (Family Support Specialist) encouraged mom to accept any progress as progress. With her support, her teenage son gradually sorted through his emotional struggles, and their trust grew.

    Community Partner

    Family SkillBuilders provided her with new parenting tools, not just to manage her sons’ behavior, but to empathize with their emotional injuries.

    Community Partner

    She worked hard to break out of a generational pattern of poverty, criminality, and addiction. She knew recovery was more than just choosing not to use—it meant changing the way one thinks, processes emotions, and relates to others.

    Community Partner

    The Oregon CASA’s are always so glad when a Family SkillBuilder is on the case.

    Community Partner

    I can’t tell you how much I always appreciate working with all of the Family SkillBuilders! I always tell families that I wish I could have a Family SkillBuilder at my house and it is SO true! Everyone is beyond fabulous and willing to do whatever is necessary to meet families where they are at in their process. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your quick response yesterday but also all you do every day!

    Community Partner

Current Partners

Becoming a Partner

  1. have an idea

    Could be a what if? Could be a whole proposal. If you can dream it, (most likely) we can do it!

  2. inquire below

    Send us an email and we will determine next steps together!

  3. partnership

    We turn our dreams into reality and help our community thrive!
