For Parents
Family SkillBuilders’ experience in parent training shows that hands-on parent training that is customized for each family is the most effective way to facilitate change leading to stronger parenting and the nurturing of children. The foundation of our program is our model that capitalizes on each family’s inherent strengths and targets weaknesses.
The home is where family life occurs, the laboratory where life and parenting values and skills are demonstrated. Family SkillBuilders provides parent training to high-risk families in crisis. These services allow the addressing of multiple issues in each family to be addressed in the context of their individual situation. This approach to treating the whole family is invaluable because it uses time and money effectively and efficiently. The provider becomes aware of the family’s needs and this provider is used as a point of contact for needed services. These conditions also increase the possibility of the client engaging in services more quickly, and lead to a more accurate assessment of the level of skills present in the parents.
Family SkillBuilders is a unique agency, founded on the belief that children thrive in healthy families where they are nurtured, encouraged and challenged to grow into healthy adults. Our goal is to see every family move toward healthy, nurturing behavior in the context of family relationships. The services provided and the methods used work toward ensuring the safety, permanence and well being for the child in the home and the reduction of abuse, neglect and trauma. Our in-home approach allows us to customize our training, observe the parent/child relationship in the home environment, and assess the well-being and safety of the child.