In-Home Safety and Reunification Services
We believe that the most effective opportunities for change occur through services provided where the family is most comfortable. Most often, this is the family home. We gain a better understanding of the family’s strengths and needs when we become guests in the home. Our role upon entering the home is to assist the family to stabilize the crisis, build parenting skills, provide brief solution focused family therapy if needed, access community resources and supports, and build connections.
Family SkillBuilders initially provides short term, solution focused services by quickly developing positive rapport and relationship with the family. We help families identify their strengths up front, which helps people to feel valued and respected, thus increasing relationship. We also assist in accessing immediate, tangible resources which helps parents to see that “things get done”, and increases their trust in us. Rather than focusing on problems, which can be discouraging for already stressed parents, we identify possibilities. This restores hope.
Our in-home services include:
- Parent Training Curriculum – core areas of Attachment, Safety, Providing, Age and Stage, Behavior Management and Home Management
- Training is individualized to meet each family’s needs, depending on the circumstances, and sessions are enhanced with additional information as needed for the situation. We provide coaching, feedback and hands-on instruction to family regarding parental role, communication, boundaries, empathy, emotional intelligence and behavior management. Support and education for parenting special-needs children is also provided.
- Specialized Training for Parents with Cognitive Limitations
- Includes customized curriculum and training to present, model, practice, observe, and test. We provide continual monitoring and assessment with adaptation of interventions to address any barriers to learning. A comprehensive parenting assessment is provided with this service.
- Reunification Preparation and Assistance
- Assessment of child’s routine/needs/management in current placement and education of future caregiver in implementing these, with specific attention to attachment. Safety and household needs assessment and assistance where needed; provide support for both children and caregivers during transition.
- Household Organization and Financial Management
- Home management plan, weekly & monthly calendar planning, support with housecleaning, assistance with budgeting and paying bills.
- Life Skills Training
- Self-sufficiency training in nutrition, meal planning/preparation, shopping, scheduling, routine, personal hygiene, boundaries, communication, money management, personal safety, job search skills and self-advocacy.
- Accessing and Utilizing Community Resources
- Provide options of available resources, assistance in securing community support, and follow-up support in progress towards self-sufficiency.
- Educational Advocacy
- Build bridges between caregiver and child’s school; available to attend conferences, registration, meetings; implementation of homework routine.
- Foster and Adoptive Parent Placement/Retention
- Support and training in any areas above as needed.
Please visit our Meet Our Team pages to meet our In-Home Family Support Specialists.
To learn more about our in-home services and how we can partner with your agency, please call our Intake Department at (503) 442-2296 or click the button below to send us an email.